

  • 10945631 (BEpS0aYRAEkbsULgsBme9tm)
  • 2024-04-21
  • 自撮り大好き
  • 18:40
  • 11
  • (0 )

Movie Description

First challenge
Selfie taken on the Tokyo Metro Tozai Line and Ginza Line during commuting hours. She wears a short coat, mini-tight pants, and her underwear is leggings with holes and pearl shorts. She is wearing a bra, but the lace is sheer so you can see her nipples. I stood near the door and made sure there were no tall people behind me as I took the photo. When I was on the crowded Tozai Line, the paper bag of the old man behind me touched my crotch and I felt somehow better. At Nihonbashi, I transferred to the Ginza Line and headed towards Shibuya...I couldn't see or feel anything when I was on the train, but after editing the scene where I was taking a selfie of my lower body...I definitely wanted to watch the main story. Please take a look.